Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I wanna lick it all

Since the fated moment about a year ago when my painting professor slapped on a stroke of sherbety orange paint onto a rather dull figure painting, the color has become an obsession. Specifically when found next to most shades of purple. In fact, I like the combo so much I felt compelled to take a bite of the below fruity crap called "sherbet." I HATE sherbet. For one, it's spelled all dumb. For two, it has no chocolate, so what the fuck is the point? But it sure is aesthetically pleasing.

Here's another sherbety-lavender moment that caught my eye once (a happy accident between my recently orange dyed fabric and my smoothie with too much blueberry), caught on Instagram:

And a few more I found on pinterest:

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Let Down

I have finally arrived in Calabasas. Yesterday I got in at three, and the moment we pulled in, it was like my body went, "ahh, now I can let down." So here I am, boxes and boxes away from being moved in, and my head feels heavy, I keep bumping into things, and I just can't seem to stand up for long enough to do anything productive.

Over the years I have noticed this about myself. That during weeks of stress, my body keeps moving, keeps up, stays up and about, and the moment all the stress is done, it let's go and breaks down. It's like it knows nothing is urgent anymore so it does not feel the need to stay functional. Instead, it takes a breath to recoup. But I need to unpack! What's the deal?!

Moving is such a simultaneously punishing and rewarding experience. For me as a new graduate I am thrilled to start this new chapter, but there is so much to do to get there. Just the mechanics are exhausting and the 102 degree weather is not encouraging. Nonetheless, Calabasas is a whole new set of sites, people, and attitudes so I'll take a day or two of rest, and carry on, I guess.

But in the meantime:

Friday, August 17, 2012

Counting the Hours

I am four hours away from this skyline, four hours away from the out-of-college life. I am sixteen hours away from every shade of green you've ever heard of, salmon, sushi, and sea-food for days, overcast skies, coffee like you can't dream of, the color YELL-O, the Street of Dreams, my first love, a vast array of liberal white people, birkenstocks, rain rain and rain, Puddles and cracked sidewalks, rain, so much nature you choke on it, an ocean you don't swim in, people slow and sweet, rain, low-key low-pace dress-down style, bunny rabbits on leashes, a house full of professional clowns, Country Fair peach shaped and crazy, bridges everywhere, Jewish matriarchs, bikes like it's normal, and my home for seventeen years. Goodbye, Oregon.

Hello, Los Angeles.